Church Streaming & Podcast License


Christian Copyright Licensing International, Inc

17201 NE Sacramento Street

Portland, Or 97230

Church Copyright License Size B #CSPL097964

Church Copyright Licensing


Christian Copyright Licensing International, Inc

17201 NE Sacramento Street

Portland, Or 97230

Church Copyright License Size B #11324815

Faith is more than religion. It's about a relationship between a person and God. Together, we make faith worth living.

The old chuck wagon parked in front of the church is a dead giveaway. And, when visitors, cross-country motorists, oilfield workers, or west Texans seeking spiritual solace walk through its doors, after being enthusiastically greeted by Stetson-wearing Cowboys, and take a peek at the deer racks and old rugged cross, set against an elk hide backdrop, there's no mistaking the theme. Solid Rock Fellowship Out West is C-O-U-N-T-R-Y, with a decidedly Western preacher and congregants! 

Pastor: Eddy Elliott